Komatsu Hydraulic Excavator Shop Manual PC78UU-6, PC78US-6 22832 and up, 4001 and up, 4809 and up (For Norway & EU) SEBM025118 English
$ 11.99 USD
Brands: Komatsu
Equipment Type: Hydraulic Excavator
Manuals Type: Shop Manual
Machine Model: PC78UU-6, PC78US-6
Serial Number: 22832 and up, 4001 and up, 4809 and up (For Norway & EU)
Book Code: SEBM025118
Issued: Printed in Japan 04-2010
Language: English
Pages: 1025
File Format: Portable Document Format (PDF)
Remark: PC78UU-6, PC78US-6 mounts the 4D95LE-2 and S4D95LE-3-A engine./ For details of the engine, see the 95-2 Series and 95-3 Series Engine Shop Manual. For the PC78US-6 for Norway (Serial No. 4809 and up), the parts which different from the standard model have been put together and added as Section 50. For the common parts, see this manual.